
Illustration of four children dressed as sailors on a wooden boat named 'Conquistador', sailing on a blue ocean
Illustration of a child and an adult fishing at a lake named Lagarfljót. They are standing on a wooden pier with seagulls flying around, and the sun is setting in the background
Illustration of an ambulance with red cross symbols, driving down a street with two paramedics inside waving, and people waving back from the sidewalk
Illustration of two paramedics carrying a child on a stretcher from an ambulance. The scene is set in a playground with a swing set and concerned onlookers
Illustration of an older farmer and a child riding a green tractor through a farm field. The child is wearing a red hat and both are smiling and waving
Illustration of a farmer and a child standing on a farm path with shovels in their hands. A green tractor and a barn with bales of hay are in the background
Illustration of a tracing activity with three images of a child on a jet ski, a child looking at a whale's tail from a boat, and a child playing with a dolphin
Illustration of a maze on a farm with paths leading to various farm animals, including pigs, chickens, and a doghouse. The goal is to navigate through the maze
Illustration of a shepherd boy with sheep in different scenarios. The boy is herding sheep, talking to another shepherd, and looking for a lost lamb
Black and white illustrations of children engaging in various activities, including one child falling near a trash can and a baby eating messy food in a high chair
Black and white illustrations of children in a classroom drawing, participating in a lesson, and playing outside with adults, as well as a child taking a bath

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