
An illustration of a young girl with curly hair looking out of a window with a bird holding a sunflower, titled 'Bird on My Window,' with plants and flowers below the window
An illustration of a teacher sitting on a mat, surrounded by six diverse children in a classroom setting with bookshelves and alphabet chart on the wall
An illustration of a boy and a girl with a dog, standing at the entrance of a cave adorned with hanging vines and surrounded by lush foliage
An illustration of a leopard prowling through dense jungle foliage with large leaves and flowers
An illustration of a monkey with black and white fur clinging to a tree, surrounded by colorful jungle leaves and plants
An illustration of a bird in three different poses - standing with wings out, standing with wings down, and flying, showcasing its expressive features
An illustration of a wealthy jeweler kneeling next to a large, ornate egg placed on a chest full of gold and jewels
An illustration of Princess Amazona climbing a mountain and finding a large egg in a nest made of scorched shoes. Text on the page describes her discovery
An illustration of a young girl with curly hair looking out over a village at sunset, with birds flying in the sky. Text on the page reads, 'He flew to his flock and flew away
An illustration of a boy named Milo sleeping in a park, surrounded by dogs to keep him warm. Text on the page describes his situation
An illustration of a wolf with flowers and plants growing from its back, set against a beige background

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