
A cutaway illustration of a World War II fighter aircraft showing internal components and structure, painted with military markings
A line drawing of a World War II fighter aircraft showing internal components and structure without any color
A cutaway illustration of a different World War II fighter aircraft showing internal components and structure, painted with military markings
A line drawing of a different World War II fighter aircraft showing internal components and structure without any color
A line drawing of a World War II-era twin-engine aircraft showing internal components and structure
A line drawing of a World War I biplane showing internal components and structure
A technical drawing of a mechanical component with two views - top and side, showing dimensions and structure
A technical drawing of a mechanical device with two views - front and side, showing internal components and directional labels for inlet and outlet
An illustration of mechanical drafting tools, including a gear, compass, and dividers, with the word 'ILLUSTRATOR' in red text
A detailed cutaway illustration of a 2.3cc stroke engine with labeled parts and explanatory text on how it works
A technical drawing of a rotary device with two views - front and side, showing internal components and structure
A detailed cutaway illustration of a mechanical engine, showing internal components and colorful sections for different parts

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